Telkomspeedy lauching pertama kali di Jember, kota di mana saya bekerja, sekitar bulan Juli 2006. Saat itu saya belum pernah merasakan internet dengan speedy, tahu-tahu diminta bos untuk membantu men-setup modem adsl di Kopegtel (Koperasi Pegawai Telkom) di jalan Kartini. Modemnya merek linksys, tipenya mungkin
ADSL2MUE, pada link tersebut terdapat manual untuk konfigure modem tersebut untuk mode bridge (winxp).Modem ADSL Linksys ADSL2MUE Pertama, saya minta manualnya, kemudian baca2 sebentar dan akhirnya tahu bahwa modem adsl ini berfungsi sebagai router dan bisa dicolokkan langsung ke swicth/hub untuk melayani koneksi internet bagi semua komputer yang terhubung ke swicth/hub, asal fungsi dhcp clientnya diaktifkan.
Berhubung cukup lama mainan iptables di mesin linux, saya coba lihat apakah ada fungsi firewall di modem tsb. Setelah login melalui web configuration, saya lihat banyak sekali fitur yang ditampilkan sampai saya bingung sendiri :-)
Yang pertama saya baca-baca adalah seting koneksi untuk speedy, tidak ada yang saya mengerti di sini :-? , kecuali login speedy dan ini dia fungsi bridge, jadi modemnya bisa berfungsi sebagai bridge mirip modem eksternal yang biasa dipakai untuk dial ke isp. Pokoknya diterima apa adanya dulu deh. Lantas saya lihat fungsi firewall, nah ini dia yang bisa saya otak-atik. Yang diinginkan pertama adalah mencegah icmp dan smtp keluar dari client karena virus brontok suka ping ke domain internet dan mencegah virus dari client kirim email. Selain itu juga saya batasi hanya beberapa ip client yang bisa konek internet. Setelah save dan reboot modem, ternyata hasilnya mengecewakan, beberapa client bisa konek dan ada yang tidak. Saya masih belum tahu salahnya dimana, lagian keisengan setup modem linksys tsb terbatas waktunya karena saya harus balik ke kantor dan lagipula saya tidak mau direpotkan apabila dapat keluhan dari pengguna. Jadi saya balikin deh seting modem tsb ke default.
Sejak saat itu saya terobsesi bagaimana membuat modem adsl bisa jalan sebagai bridge di mesin linux. Khusus modem linksys ADSL2MUE ini rupanya sudah ada driver bridge untuk mesin windows. Kesempatan itu akhirnya datang setelah kantor saya jadi berlangganan speedy, itu pun setelah saya provokasi agar pakai speedy daripada pakai telkomnet instan (tni) yang koneksinya tidak bisa dijamin, sudah konek tapi tidak bisa browsing internet, baru bisa browsing setelah beberapa kali konek :-( . Yang datang ke kantor bawa modem speedy rupanya orang telkom yang dulu saya temui sewaktu di Kopegtel Kartini, karena sudah mengenal saya, dia memberikan saya modem adsl yang masih terbungkus agar disetup sendiri.
Sewaktu dibongkar, ternyata modemnya adalah DareGlobal model DB108-E. Padahal saya pingin dapat yang linksys , alasannya keren karena keluaran Cisco :) . Modem ADSL DareGlobal DB108-ESaya baca sekilas di manualnya bahwa modem ini mempunyai ip default, akhirnya server linux yang biasa pakai modem eksternal untuk konek ke tni dikonfigurasikan untuk client modem tsb. Modem dikonekkan ke link adsl dan ke server linux pakai cross cable, terus dinyalakan. Waktu itu saya belum setup login speedy di modemnya, iseng-iseng nge-ping dns telkom, eh kok ternyata tembus, wah dapat koneksi speedy gratis nich :d .
Masa gratisnya cukup lama, dua minggu lebih. Selama itu saya belum sempat mencoba setup modemnya sebagai bridge, keasyikan download macam-macam, mumpung gratis. Akhirnya masa foya-foya lewat sudah sekarang waktunya bekerja. Berikut ini prosedur setup modem adsl DareGlobal untuk mode bridge:
Login ke web configuration modem adsl.
Tampilan pertama kali adalah Device Info seperti gambar di bawah (ini saat mode router dan status konek ke internet):
device info mode router
Tampilan DSL Status seperti pada gambar di bawah:DSL Status Modem ADSL Speedy
Klik WAN akan menampilkan default WAN Setup (mode router), untuk mengubah ke mode bridge, baris yang mengandung Protocol PPPoE dicawang lantas klik tombol Remove:
Wan Setup Modem ADSL DareGlobal
Lalu klik Add akan muncul isian untuk ATM PVC Configuration, isikan seperti contoh di bawah, kemudian klik Next.
VPI:[0-255] 0
VCI:[0-65535] 35
Untuk tipe network protocol pilih Bridging dan untuk encapsulation mode pilih LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING, klik Next.
Beri cawang pada Enable Bridge Service dan kasih nama br_0_35 untuk Service Name, klik Next.
Berikut WAN Setup - Summary seperti pada gambar di bawah, klik Save apabila konfigurasinya sudah benar dan reboot modem adsl-nya:
Wan Setup Summary Modem ADSL DareGlobal
Tampilan WAN Setup (mode bridge) yang baru akan seperti gambar di bawah:
Wan Setup Modem ADSL DareGlobal (mode bridge)
Klik Save dan Reboot modem.
Modem adsl telah selesai disetup sebagai bridge, sekarang kita akan membuat koneksi pppoe di linux. Untuk linux redhat 9, nama paketnya rp-pppoe-3.5-2.rpm, untuk slackware 10.2 rp-pppoe-3.6-i486-1.tgz, jika ingin install dari source silahkan download di RP-PPPoE | Roaring Penguin.
Mungkin ada yang bertanya bagaimana mengakses web configuration modem apabila telah diset mode bridge ? Caranya mudah, untuk ini kita perlu komputer dengan OS windows, install driver yang dibutuhkan untuk koneksi ke modem melalui port usb, kemudian konfigur ip address windows dengan ip addres selain Jadi meski modem tersebut sedang konek ke speedy dan user-user sedang browsing internet kita bisa monitor dsl statusnya.
Windows-to-Linux roadmap: Part 9. Installing software
Using pre-compiled RPMs and compiling applications from source
Level: Introductory
Chris Walden (, e-business Architect, IBM
11 Nov 2003
IBM e-business architect Chris Walden is your guide through a nine-part developerWorks series on moving your operational skills from a Windows to a Linux environment. He covers everything from logging to networking, and from the command-line to help systems -- even compiling packages from available source code. In this final part, we download and compile a software package, discuss the pros and cons of automated package management, and get to know the RPM system.
One of the first things you notice when you install Linux is that there are so many packages available with your distribution. Most distributions come with the Linux operating system, installation tools, and administration tools. Then they include Internet tools, development tools, office tools, games, and some things that you haven't even heard of. It is not uncommon for a Linux distribution to come with thousands of available packages. If you didn't select "install everything," then some subset of these packages were installed.
Now you may be wondering "How do I remove packages I don't want? How do I install things I missed? Can I use software that didn't come with my distribution?"
As Linux installed, you probably noticed a lot of information about RPMs being installed. RPM stands for Redhat Package Manager, a contribution by Redhat that has become a standard for managing software on Redhat and UnitedLinux as well as on many other distributions.
Essentially, an RPM is a package, containing software for Linux ready to install and run on a particular machine architecture. For example, we installed the webmin package from an RPM in "Part 3. Introduction to Webmin." All of the software initially loaded in your distribution was installed from an RPM.
Anatomy of an RPM
An RPM is a package of files. It includes a .spec file, which provides information about the package, its function, and its dependencies (what packages must be in place before it can run). The .spec also contains a manifest of files in the package, where they must be loaded on the system, and what their initial permissions will be. The RPM also contains a pre-install script, which is written by the package developer. Then the RPM contains the compiled binary files. Finally, the RPM contains a post-install script.
RPM layout
.spec pre-install script binary file binary file ... binary file post-install script
When an RPM is installed, the system first looks to see if the dependencies for the package are satisfied. If not, then the installation terminates unless you specify options to force an install anyway.
If all is clear, the pre-install script runs. This script can do anything. Normally it creates users and directories. However, it can do many types of dynamic configuration, even custom-compile source code for the running system.
Know where your RPMs have been
When RPMs install, they copy files onto your system and execute scripts. Since RPM is run as root, all of these functions are performed as root. It is therefore important that you know the origin of an RPM before you install it on your system. Just as with Windows software, malicious code can be contained inside an RPM as easily as any other package. RPMs from the manufacturer are generally safe, but be cautious about randomly downloading and installing things from unknown sources.
If the pre-install script completes successfully, then the binary files are copied onto the system according to the manifest. Once all of the files have been copied and their permissions are set, then the post-install script is run. Again, this script can do almost anything.
Once all of that is completed, the information about the package is added to the RPM database, and the installation is complete. With this simple system, it is possible to perform all of the functions that could be done with a more elaborate commercial installer.
The RPM database
The piece of the RPM that adds elegance is the RPM database. This database typically lives in the /var/lib/rpm directory and holds information about every RPM installed on the system. The database knows the dependency relationships between packages and will warn if removing a package could cause other packages to break. The database knows about every file that was originally installed with a package and its original state on the system. It also knows the locations of the documentation and configuration files for each package. This may sound like a lot of information, and it is. But it isn't bloated and bulky. On a system containing 1,066 packages, comprised of 203,272 files, the database files are only 45 MB! RPM uses the database to check dependencies when packages are loaded and unloaded. Users can also query the database for information on packages.
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Using RPM
The program to work with RPM packages is appropriately named rpm. rpm runs in several different modes, but the most common tasks are install, upgrade, query, verify, and erase.
rpm -i (install)
When you install a package for the first time, you will use the -i or install mode. Simply point the rpm to a binary package and execute it. The rpm will be installed on your system. Installation normally takes seconds. Often when installing a package, I will add the -v (verbose) switch to provide more information about the process, and the -h (hash bar) switch to provide progress updates via hash (#) marks printed on the console as the package is installed. Here's an example of installing a package:
Listing 1. Installing MyPackage
$ rpm -ivh MyPackage-1.0.0.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:MyPackage ########################################### [100%]
That's it! MyPackage is now installed and ready to use.
rpm must be run as root
rpm installs and erases must be done as root, because access is required to the file system and the rpm databases.
rpm -e (erase)
To remove an installed package, use the -e switch to erase it. rpm will use the database to remove all of the files for the package. If there are other packages installed that depend on the one you are removing, rpm will abort. You will have to force the erase with the nodeps switch. (nodeps can also be used to force an installation.) Be very careful when using this switch to force an install or erase. Removing packages that others are dependent on can have unfortunate results. Here is the command to remove the package we installed above:
$ rpm -e MyPackage
Notice that the full version of the package is not necessary to remove it. The full name was required at installation because we were pointing to a file name. Installed packages are referenced by their name only. The package's name is everything up to the version number.
rpm -V (verify)
The verify switch is very useful. It compares the current state of a package's files to their original state upon installation. Differences are shown using a code:
Results of verifying files
S File Size differs
M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type)
5 MD5 sum differs
D Device major/minor number mis-match
L readLink(2) path mis-match
U User ownership differs
G Group ownership differs
T mTime differs
If you were to run rpm -V on a package and discover that the size had changed for an executable, that would be a possible sign of a security breach.
rpm -U (upgrade)
Once a package has been installed, any attempt to install a package with the same name will result in a message that the package is already installed. If you want to update a package to a later version, use the -U switch to upgrade. Upgrade has another affect. When upgrade is run on multiple package names, it will try to put the packages in order of dependencies. In other words, required packages will be installed first. The upgrade switch can be used whether or not a package is already installed, so many people use it for installs as well as upgrades instead of using the -i switch. Here is an example of using the upgrade switch to load several rpm packages:
Listing 2. Interactive upgrade
$ rpm -Uvh My*.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:bMyPackageDep ########################################### [ 50%]
1:aMyPackageNew ########################################### [100%]
In the case above, bMyPackageDep was a prerequisite for aMyPackageNew, so even though the file names sorted in reverse order, rpm ordered them correctly.
rpm -q (query)
Several pieces of useful information can be queried from the rpm database. Queries can be run by any user who has read access to the rpm database. By default, all users have read access. To run a query, use the -q switch with the name of the package to query. This will return the version of the package.
$ rpm -q MyPackage
The name of the package must be exactly correct. Wild cards are not allowed. However, if you cannot remember the full name of a package, you can use the grep tool to help find it. Use the -qa switch to query all installed packages and pipe the information through grep with the text you can remember. For example:
The joy of grep
grep is a text search tool that has a wide variety of uses. By default, grep will search files to show you lines that contain the text you indicate. In our example, we searched for "IBM." grep is a powerful tool in your scripting and console work.
$ rpm -qa | grep IBM
Besides version numbers, rpm -q can provide other useful information about a package. Here are some examples:
Getting information with an rpm query
rpm -q changelog Shows the development change history for the package
rpm -qc Shows the configuration files for the package
rpm -qd Shows the documentation files for the package
rpm -qi Shows the package description
rpm -ql Shows a list of the package's files
rpm -qR Shows the dependencies for the package
The query also has another interesting command which is run on files rather than packages.
rpm -q whatprovides
The above command will identify the package that is associated with the filename given. The filename must include the absolute path to the file, since that is how the information is stored in the rpm database.
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RPM front ends
Working with rpm from the console is easy, but sometimes it is more convenient to work with a graphical interface. In typical Linux style, there are front-end programs which provide an interface to the rpm program. Each distribution has a front end, which will vary. Consult your distribution documentation for information about the package management tool provided.
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Webmin software packages
Webmin also provides a simple Web-based front end for dealing with RPM packages.
Figure 1. Webmin RPM interface
Figure 1. Webmin RPM interface
Software can be easily installed erased and queried from here. Software can also be installed directly from URL sites. If you have rpm enhancement tools installed such as apt or the Redhat Network, Webmin will pick them up and provide an interface to them.
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Source code
Since Linux is an open source operating system, it comes with all of the development tools required to compile software. While most of the packages that you work with will be provided as binary RPMs, you are not limited to only those packages. If you wish, you can download the raw source code and custom-compile it for your system.
You should be cautious about compiling from source on a production system as it may cause problems or void your support for commercial software which you are using on the system, such as IBM DB2. However, being familiar with compiling from source will allow you to apply patches to software and work with packages ported from other environments. Once you have compiled the code successfully, it is even possible to create your own RPM!
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Corewars source demonstration
To demonstrate how simple it can be to compile from source, we will compile a simulation game called Corewars (see Resources for a link). Here's a note about Corewars from their Web site: "Corewars is a simulation game where a number of warriors try to crash each other while they are running in a virtual computer. The warriors can be written in one of two assembler-like languages called Corewars and Redcode. Corewars is the default language and is easier to learn and understand. Redcode provides more advanced and powerful instructions but also requires more time to learn."
The first step to compiling from source is to download the source code package from the Web site:
Once the code is downloaded, I expand the package.
tar -xvzf corewars-0.9.13.tar.gz
The file is expanded into my current directory. The standard approach is for the source code to be contained in a directory which matches the product name. In this case, it's in a directory called corewars-0.9.13.
I enter into that directory and find the source code, some documentation, configure scripts and README files. Most source packages will come with a file called INSTALL and one called README. You should read these materials before you compile the software. They will usually save you a lot of pain by identifying problems before you have them and advising you of the correct procedures for compiling and installation. Most problems I have had compiling from source were simply because I didn't follow the directions.
The most common next step is to run the configure script. configure is part of the Autoconf package, included with the development tools of your Linux distribution. Quoting Autoconf's package description: "GNU's Autoconf is a tool for configuring source code and Makefiles. Using Autoconf, programmers can create portable and configurable packages, since the person building the package is allowed to specify various configuration options."
The configure script runs a series of tests on the system to determine the best way to compile the package for your distribution and architecture. It then createx a custom Makefile for your system. If there are problems with compiling on your system, configure tells you. configure will usually let you customize the features to be included in the compile, or let you provide parameters about locations of libraries or other needed files so that the package can be compiled successfully. Here we execute configure with no additional parameters:
Several tests run on the system ultimately end with success. Now build the program using:
If the compile has errors, I will need to determine the problems and fix them. This can be non-trivial and may require a good deal of knowledge about your environment and programming in general. If all goes well, we typically install the software with:
make install
The files are copied into the correct areas of the system, file permissions are updated, configuration files are copied and documentation is added to the manual pages.
Now let's test our handiwork by executing the program. It is a graphical program, so you will need to have X running when you start it. The make install which we did above should put the program in our executable path.
A graphical screen should appear to reward us.
Figure 2. Success!
Figure 2. Corewars game
The topic of corewars rules is outside of the scope of this article, but you will find documentation about this interesting simulation game in the man page (man corewars).
The corewars compile was a typical scenario. There are many possible variations including using switches on the configure script to adjust the features that are compiled into the program, using different commands from the Makefile to adjust how the compile is done, and others.
Since this program was not installed using rpm, there are no entries in the rpm database. If a program doesn't work out after it's been installed, most Makefiles include an uninstall parameter to remove the software:
make uninstall
Bear in mind that working with raw source code does not enter anything into the RPM database. Software installed in this way is unmanaged, so it should be done with care.
Source RPMs
When an RPM is created, there is an artifact called a Source RPM. This is a SPEC file combined with source code designed to build on one or more architectures. This is the best of both worlds! With a source RPM, you can custom compile the software on your system, but the finished product will be an installable RPM rather than the raw binaries. Most packages that are available as a pre-compiled RPM are also available as a SRPM. This can be a simple way to move software across platforms in Linux. When you have success recompiling onto a different platform, consider sharing your finished RPMs with the community.
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May the source be with you
If you are new to Linux, installing software has a different approach than what you are used to. However, the RPM approach to installation is elegant and provides new power which you will soon grow to appreciate.
You should become familiar with the options for working with rpms from the console, but for daily use there are front-end interface options to make rpms easier to manage. One was provided by your distribution, and others are available, such as the one in Webmin.
You are not limited by pre-compiled rpms, though. You can take advantage of the open source nature of Linux to compile applications directly from the source code. Compiling is generally easy for a mature project. Remember that code installed from source code will not have an entry in your rpm database. When working with source, consider using source rpms, which combine the power of compiled source with the manageability of rpms.
Check out the other parts in the Windows-to-Linux roadmap series (developerWorks, November 2003).
The IBM developerWorks tutorials LPI certification exam prep are very useful. Part 1 covers Red Hat and Debian package managers as well ascompiling programs from sources and managing shared libraries. Part 2 covers important kernel configuration and in-kernel PCI and USB support.
The IBM developerWorks tutorial Compiling and installing software from sources goes into more depth on unpacking, inspecting, configuring and installing software packages from source code.
Learn more about compiling and installing source code on Linux with the IBM developerWorks feature, Compiling and installing software from sources .
Learn how to create your own packages with the IBM developerWorks features Create Debian Linux packages and Packaging software with RPM.
Learn about an alternative to RPM and Debian's package management solutions in the IBM developerWorks feature Manage packages using Stow.
Regularly upgrading software is an important part of security. Learn how to keep your system up to date quickly and easily with the IBM developerWorks Tip on Upgrading applications from sources.
Learn more about United Linux in this IBM developerWorks feature.
SourceForge is an excellent resource for open source projects; you can add your own projects as well.
The Corewars project is just one of many posted at SourceForge.
The developerWorks Open source zone hosts open-source projects at IBM.
IBM's alphaWorks offers early access to emerging IBM technologies including things like the Web services and Grid toolboxes.
The IBM Speed-start your Linux app 2003 initiative offers a free Linux Software Evaluation Kit (SEK) which includes DB2 Universal Database, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Studio Site Developer, WebSphere MQ, Lotus Domino, Tivoli Access Manager -- and more!
About the author
Chris Walden is an e-business Architect for IBM Developer Relations Technical Consulting in Austin, Texas, providing education, enablement, and consulting to IBM Business Partners. He is the official Linux fanatic on his hallway and does his best to spread the good news to all who will hear it. In addition to his architect duties, he manages the area's all-Linux infrastructure servers, which include file, print, and other application services in a mixed-platform user environment. Chris has ten years of experience in the computer industry ranging from field support to Web application development and consulting.
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