Pay attention ladies. What I am about to tell you may actually make some guys pretty angry, but if you listen to my advice I can show you how to get your ex boyfriend back and have him come crawling back to you.
1. Act like you don't care
This is probably the hardest thing for us ladies to do, but believe me when I say that it is also probably the most important. The guys that we want back want us to come crawling back to them because it makes them feel macho and powerful, but by doing the exact opposite you'll drive them crazy. They'll begin to wonder if you truly do not care about them and they'll start to call you more often, and email you all the time and pretty soon they'll be the ones chasing you instead of you chasing them.
It's kind of like the old game of hard to get that we have all played at one point or another.
2. Go out on a date, preferably to somewhere you know your ex will be
This is a little devious but it works like a charm if you work it right. You must remember, however , that this will likely make your ex just a teensy bit angry so you have to make sure that you don't fuel that anger anymore than necessary by acting overly "into" your new date if your ex is at the same location. Be friendly with your date, but not overly friendly. Remember, you really don't want this guy anyway, it's your ex you want back so you don't want to give this new guy any false hopes either.
You also need to act surprised if you come face to face with your ex so he doesn't have any clue the evening was premeditated because that will make matters worse.
3. Communication
Now that we've got the devious, reverse psychology tricks out of the way, you need to get real and open the lines of communication with your ex. Seriously.
You need to talk openly and honestly about what went wrong and how it can be corrected. You need to take some responsibility for your part as well because it is never only the fault of one party. Even if he has cheated, there was a reason for it and you need to get real with yourself and realize that there was something missing so talk about what it is that your ex really wants and then work to give it to him and also make him aware of your wants and needs as well. Remember that this is a two way street here.
One other thing to do that will do wonders for both of you is to talk about all the things that you love about each other. It is amazing what this will do for your relationship when you focus on positives and what is great about one another rather than always trying to fix what is wrong.
So if you're a little desperate and hurting from a recent breakup but you want to get your ex boyfriend back, follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to having him come crawling back to you.
Want to know the secrets of how to get back together with your ex boyfriend? Learn how the Magic of Making Up can help you get your ex boyfriend back today!
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